Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One Small Step...

I have written quite often on my blog about my disappointment in President Obama and his policies related to LGBT rights. Since I do spend a lot of time voicing my opinion about his lack of courage when it comes to overturning "Don't Ask Don't Tell", I think it is only fair for me to highlight his efforts for making progress as well.

Last week, Obama signed an executive order extending benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. Many progressive organizations already do this (and have for years), so it is about time the federal government caught up. However, the benefits unfortunately do stop short of providing the same health benefits allowed to heterosexual partners of federal employees.

Here is a great broadcast from NPR titled, "Mixed Reaction Over Gay Rights for Federal Employees" from "Tell Me More". It provides great insight into the fight for LGBT rights for gay Americans and the pressure that needs to be put on Obama in order to make progress on this front. As always, NPR's guest speakers are extremely intelligent and diplomatic in their rationale, which although at times boring to listen to, is preferable to the angry protest and demands that more often make widespread news.

Click on this link to get access to the audio version of the broadcast:

By the way, according to the latest Gallup Poll:
- Two-thirds of the American public support health insurance and other benefits for gay and lesbian partners.
- 69% of the American public favor gays openly serving in the military.

Given these numbers, there really is no excuse that Obama and his administration are moving so slowly on LGBT issues. It's an ethical issue of humanity and civil rights AND the American public also supports change in favor of eliminating discrimination. What's left to consider?

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