Saturday, January 1, 2011


I'm back from my 9-month sabbatical. It was unannounced, unplanned and totally not kosher with the "being disciplined" theme of this blog. 2010 turned out to be a bit tougher than I expected. Lots of capital-C Crossroads (yes, Britney-serious), revelations and letdowns. But it's a new year. Amid all the resolutions, celebrations and irresponsible drinking, one thing that I love about New Year's Day is the communal belief that it truly is the beginning of a new chapter. I find it remarkable that we as an intelligent species are still so prone to hop on the bandwagon at each arbitrary turn of a year. I like that. It reminds me that we as humans are a) capable of starting over and learning from our mistakes, and, b) stupid.

So, what are my resolutions? I'm not quite sure, but I have some ideas. One, which may be obvious as I'm saying this all here, is to write more (or, again) on this blog. I had a few people say they missed reading my posts (which was validating) and a lot negative Nancies in my head pushing me towards abstaining given my personal disappointment with the content/quality/laziness of writing that had started to creep out. No guarantees that this blog will change anyone's life (including my own), but I think any opportunity that arises where I can get out of my own head is a good one.

One big change this year: I started graduate school. Along with the long nights of cramming microeconomic concepts, interpreting financial statements, and analyzing political case studies, my diet sort of flew out the window. Rewarding yourself with buckets of licorice and vats of Diet Coke just for finishing assigned readings is not a healthy habit. It's amazing how your mind can justify your behavior under stressful situations. I was eating pretty healthy for the first nine months of 2010, and I'm going back to that. My body will probably really enjoy getting rid of the extra 15 pounds I managed to pack on in under 100 days.

So, what else? Not sure. 4.0? Find love? Cook more? Save an Asian elephant? For everything else that the year will offer, I'm just resolving to be open-minded... and to stay out of the ivory trade.

Happy New Year!

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